About Our Cooperative
Close the gap in available, quality childcare.
Create a sustainable childcare cooperative framework that works for Norfolk and can be shared with other communities.
Formally establish the childcare collaborative legal entity.
Adopt and implement high-quality childcare standards.
Create a talent pipeline and staff that are highly trained early childhood development professionals and earning a livable wage.
Open and operate ongoing host site(s).
Vision Statement:
The Norfolk Area Childcare Collaborative Steering Committee aims to close
the gap in available, quality childcare, paving the way for the region and its
businesses to grow by retaining and attracting talent.
Cooperative Business Members

Our Executive Team

Tammy Day
Chairwoman & Founder

Dr. Leah Barrett
Vice Chairwoman
Northeast Community College

Beth Shashikant
Project Manager
Norfolk Area Childcare Collaborative

Ashley Cook
Elkhorn Valley Bank
Steering Committee Subcommittees
Business Operations
& Finance
Committee Lead:
Dr. Leah Barrett
Northeast Community College
Fundraising &
Public Relations
Committee Lead:
Candice Alder
Norfolk Area Economic
Development Council/
City of Norfolk
Facility Exploration
& Implementation
Committee Lead:
Tami Pick
Early Childhood
Committee Lead:
Kelsey Schnoor
St. John Early Learning Center - Battle Creek